An In-depth summary of Andrew Huberman's Preferred Supplements
Here at Good Routine Club, we're always on the hunt for the best health insights. That's why today, we're taking a closer look at Dr. Andrew Huberman's supplement list. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a renowned neuroscientist who has conducted extensive research on the brain, body, and overall well-being. His supplement list, developed through years of research and personal experimentation, has become a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their health.
Dr. Huberman's supplement routine is specifically designed to maximize results throughout the day. He depends on a variety of supplements, each playing a crucial role in enhancing different aspects of health. These supplements work towards objectives such as boosting testosterone, improving sleep, and enhancing mental sharpness. Andrew Huberman has compiled a comprehensive list of his supplements that contribute to these goals.
Throughout the day, these supplements assist in keeping your health at its peak. Upon learning about Dr. Huberman's preferred supplementation, one can appreciate his approach towards maintaining the robustness of health. His supplement strategy is a testament to his profound knowledge and experience in the domain of health and wellness.
By emulating Dr. Huberman's day-to-day supplement routine, anyone can get one step closer to improving their health. Learn about each of these Andrew supplements, incorporate them into your routine, and begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.
Andrew primarily focuses on three areas: Boosting Testosterone, Improving Sleep Quality, and Enhancing Mental Sharpness.
Dr. Andrew Huberman's Base Supplements and their Benefits
Andre Huberman´s base set of suggested supplements serve as foundational augmentations to a balanced lifestyle. Insight into the benefits of this supplementation regimen reveals why it should form an integral part of our daily practices for optimal body health and maintenance. Furthermore, interesting revelations about these supplements counteract widespread misconceptions, such as the notion that supplementation alone can compensate for poor dietary practices. The combination of quality food as suggested by Dr. Huberman, and targeted supplementation plays a decisive role in our overall health and well-being.
Vitamin D is essential for various bodily functions. Huberman takes between 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
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Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is synthesized by our skin when exposed to sunlight. It provides various benefits, including promoting bone health and mood. It can also be obtained from certain foods and supplements.
Vitamin D can improve immune health, bone health, and overall well-being. It may also reduce the risk of cancer mortality, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Many of these benefits are only observed when correcting a deficiency.
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin D is 400–800 IU/day, but this may be insufficient for many individuals. For moderate supplementation, a dose of 1,000–2,000 IU of vitamin D3 is generally adequate for most people. Higher daily doses range from 20–80 IU per kilogram of body weight. The upper tolerable intake level is 4,000 IU/day, but some studies suggest it could be as high as 10,000 IU/day.
Huberman also takes Vitamin K2 as a daily supplement, primarily for its cardiovascular health benefits.
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Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin found in plants or produced from intestinal bacteria. It plays an essential role in bone health and regulates blood clotting.
Vitamin K has been suggested to protect cardiovascular health by reducing the calcification and stiffening of arteries. It has also been found to improve markers of bone health. Higher levels of vitamin K may provide additional benefits.
The minimum effective dose for phylloquinone (vitamin K1) is 50mcg, which is enough to satisfy the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin K. The maximum dose for vitamin K1 is 10,000mcg (10 mg).
For over 12 years, Huberman has been using Athletic Greens, a green powder supplement. He consumes it once or twice per day to benefit from its wide range of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
Key features of Athletic Greens include:
- A comprehensive blend of 75 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and adaptogens.
- Provides comprehensive micronutrient support to fill potential gaps in the diet.
- Contains probiotics and prebiotics for gut health and immune function.
- Rich in antioxidants from ingredients like spirulina and wheatgrass.
- Adaptogens such as ashwagandha and astragalus root help manage stress levels.
“This is one reason why if people say, ‘Well, if I can only take 1 supplement, what should I take?’ I say, well, what’s your budget? If they say they can meet that $100 threshold per month, then my recommendation would be Athletic Greens or something like it.
Huberman's Supplements for increasing Testosterone
Seeking effective methods to naturally increase testosterone levels has increasingly become commonplace for numerous men. Echoed by the insights of Dr. Andrew Huberman, it is indeed feasible to boost your testosterone. His comprehensive list of recommended supplements fosters a potent increase in testosterone levels, among other significant benefits such as improved mental sharpness, sex drive, muscle mass, bone density and overall well-being.
Discussing evidence-based supplements, the terrain is vast, yet Huberman has provided well-researched and thorough guidance. Considered essential for ensuring our testosterone levels are optimized, supplements play a crucial role. But remember, they should be incorporated with a healthy routine as Huberman suggested.
Please keep in mind, that while there are numerous products claiming to magically increase testosterone levels, only a few are backed by viable scientific research, which Dr. Huberman breaks down below.
Tongkat Ali is derived from a plant native to Southeast Asia, where it is used as a medicinal plant with various applications.
According to Huberman, Tongkat Ali can increase testosterone levels, and he recommends a dosage of 400 mg.
Supporting this claim is a 2022 meta-analysis, which examines 5 randomized controlled trials. The meta-analysis demonstrates that Tongkat Ali consistently increased total testosterone compared to a placebo. The studies evaluated doses ranging from 100 mg to 600 mg per day.
Huberman suggests the following:
- Take Tongkat Ali early in the day, as it may have a mild stimulant effect.
- Take it daily, rather than intermittently, as the effects tend to improve over the second and third month of use.
- There is no need to cycle the usage of Tongkat Ali, unless there are abnormal results in your blood tests, such as elevated liver enzymes, which may indicate the need to discontinue use.
“In the supplementation space, there are two things that have worked very well for me and I’ve recommended to a number of people… Those two things are Tongkat Ali, which, at 400 mg/day, is thought to reduce sex hormone binding globulin … Tongkat Ali, either through reducing sex hormone binding globulin or direct effects on increasing androgen release, will increase your testosterone … 400 mg/day taken once per day early in the day — because it can have a little bit of a stimulant effect and make you more alert — that works well. It does need to be taken chronically. It tends to work better as you get into the second and third month of use. And I don’t see any reason to cycle it … The other supplement that is quite useful is Fadogia Agrestis … Fadogia Agrestis acts as a luteinizing hormone mimetic, so it actually stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone … One 425 mg capsule, I believe, is more than sufficient. Anecdotally, for me, what this did is increase my total testosterone by about 200 points … I was hovering somewhere around 600. These two supplements consistently bring it up into the high 7s and low 8s.”
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Tongkat Ali
Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) is a medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia that is used as an aphrodisiac, a testosterone booster, and a remedy for various ailments. It contains several bioactive compounds, such as eurycomanone, that may modulate hormonal and metabolic pathways.
Tongkat ali may improve sexual performance, erectile function, libido, sperm quality, and testosterone levels in men with low testosterone or sexual dysfunction. It may also reduce stress, anxiety, and cortisol levels. Some evidence suggests that it may enhance muscle strength and fat loss, but more research is needed to confirm these effects.
The recommended dosage of tongkat ali for testosterone is 100–600 mg/day. For sexual health and libido, a daily dose of 200–400 mg appears to be effective. This dose can be divided into 1–2 doses per day. However, it is unclear whether one of these dosing regimens is more effective.
Fadogia Agrestis is a plant native to Nigeria, and its stem is used as a herbal medicine to treat various issues.
In terms of increasing testosterone, Huberman explains that Fadogia increases Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which in turn stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone.
In his second interview with Dr. Kyle Gillett (link), Huberman mentions that he takes 600 mg of Fadogia per day for 8-12 weeks at a time, followed by a few weeks off.
In contrast, he does not cycle Tongkat Ali.
Huberman points out that he regularly monitors his blood and has not observed any negative impact on his blood markers from taking Fadogia.
“There’s a fairly extensive literature on the fact that fadogia agrestis can be toxic to testicular cells and perhaps other cells when taken at very high dosages. So, obeying the particular dosages of fadogia agrestis that are recommended on various product labels and cycling fadogia agrestis can be important. Some people need to cycle it 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off; other people opt for 12 weeks on, a month off.”
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Fadogia Agrestis
Fadogia agrestis is a plant traditionally used in African medicine to enhance libido and treat male infertility. It is also claimed to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimalarial properties.
Fadogia agrestis may increase testosterone levels, sperm count, and sexual behavior in rats. However, there is no human evidence for its effects on sexual function or hormones.
The dosage is unknown or unspecified.
Zinc is essential for healthy testosterone levels. While Huberman hasn't specified his daily dosage, the multivitamin he consumes contains 15 mg of zinc.
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Zinc is an essential mineral that is critical for the function of hundreds of enzymes. It plays many roles, including supporting antioxidant enzymes, brain function, and the immune system. Zinc is commonly taken to reduce the duration of respiratory infections and the common cold.
Zinc may reduce the duration and severity of respiratory infections and the common cold, especially if taken within 24 hours of symptom onset. It may also improve depressive symptoms, glycemic control, blood lipids, and severe acne in some individuals.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for zinc is 11 mg/day for adult men and 8 mg/day for adult women. Pregnant and lactating women require more zinc, around 11–13 mg/day. The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for zinc is 40 mg/day for adults. Zinc supplements are typically taken in doses of 5–30 mg per day, depending on an individual's zinc status and the purpose of supplementation. For respiratory infections and the common cold, zinc lozenges or syrups are usually taken every two hours while awake, starting within 24 hours of symptom onset. The total daily dose should not exceed 100 mg/day.
Boron is a trace mineral that Andrew Huberman includes in his daily supplement routine to naturally boost testosterone levels. Boron has been found to have multiple benefits in supporting hormonal balance. It can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and menstrual cramps.
Additionally, some studies suggest that boron may have a positive impact on testosterone and estrogen levels. By incorporating boron into his supplementation, Huberman aims to optimize his testosterone levels and promote overall well-being.
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Boron is a trace mineral that has biological effects, but its essential role in human health is not clear. It is found in plants and food, and can be taken as a supplement.
Boron can reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis, and may also support bone health, hormonal balance, and immune function.
The lowest effective dose of boron supplementation appears to be 3 mg, which supports hormonal parameters in postmenopausal women. Studies on osteoarthritis have used 6 mg of boron, while studies on hormonal changes in youth have used 10 mg. The optimal dose is currently unknown, but the mentioned doses seem to be effective for their respective goals. Boron seems to be generally safe, although there is a lack of human research on its adverse effects, so smaller doses may be preferable.
Boosting Sleep Quality: Effective Supplements
When considering the topic of boosting sleep quality, it's imperative to delve into the realm of effective supplements. Sleep is intrinsically linked to our overall well-being, and as found in the research by Dr. Andrew Huberman, certain supplements can drastically enhance one's sleep quality. Elucidating this, sleep supplements recommended by Andrew Huberman focus largely on the naturally occurring compounds in the body. Sleep, for instance, is regulated by several hormones and neurotransmitters that can be bolstered by well-selected supplements.
In summary, recognizing the significance of sleep and the role of supplements in enhancing sleep quality, as emphasized by Dr. Andrew Huberman, can greatly impact our overall well-being and productivity. By establishing a consistent sleep routine and incorporating appropriate supplements, we can effectively improve the quality of our rest. One key aspect highlighted by Andrew Huberman is that sleep should not solely be focused on duration, but also on quality and having a proper bedtime routine. Click here to learn more about Dr. Huberman's evening routine.
Magnesium plays an essential role in over 600 enzymatic reactions in the human body. Huberman consumes approximately 145 mg of Magnesium L-Threonate daily.
- Magnesium chelate efficiently crosses the blood-brain barrier to activate GABA receptors and induce relaxation.
- It improves sleep quality without causing daytime drowsiness.
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Magnesium is a necessary mineral in our diet that plays a role in energy production, nervous system function, blood pressure regulation, and blood glucose control. Not getting enough magnesium in your diet is linked to a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions.
Low levels of magnesium have been linked to a higher risk of diabetes. Supplementation with magnesium has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity, particularly in individuals who are insulin resistant, magnesium deficient, or women with gestational diabetes. Additionally, supplemental magnesium has been found to lower blood pressure in individuals with magnesium deficiency and those with hypertension. There is some evidence suggesting that magnesium supplementation can normalize age-related changes in sleep patterns, improve sleep quality in individuals with insomnia or magnesium deficiency, decrease the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches, and alleviate premenstrual symptoms in women.
The recommended daily intake of magnesium varies depending on age and sex. Adult men should aim for 400-420 mg/day, while adult women should aim for 310-320 mg/day. Pregnant women require a slightly higher intake of 350-400 mg/day, and lactating women require the most at 310-360 mg/day. The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for supplemental magnesium is 350 mg/day for adults. To enhance absorption and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal side effects, it is best to take magnesium supplements with food.
An amino acid called Theanine is found in tea and can have a calming effect when taken as a supplement. Huberman takes a daily dose ranging from 100 to 300 mg.
- Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea that promotes relaxation by increasing alpha brain waves.
- It works well in combination with caffeine, reducing its side effects.
“That cocktail of 50 mg of apigenin, 300–400 mg of magnesium threonate or bisglycinate, and 200–400 mg of theanine, for me, has been the best way to consistently fall asleep quickly and stay asleep most if not the entire night, which, for me, is about 7–8 hours.”
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Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. It is known for its calming effects and is often used to reduce stress and anxiety.
Theanine promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness, improves sleep quality, and enhances cognitive function.
The recommended daily dosage of theanine varies depending on the desired effect. For general relaxation, a dosage of 100-200 mg per day is commonly used.
Apigenin is a compound found in chamomile tea known to promote sleep. Huberman takes 50 mg of Apigenin daily.
- Plant flavonoid with anti-anxiety effects via its affinity for GABA receptors in the brain.
- Acts as a mild sedative that can improve sleep onset and quality.
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Apigenin is a flavonoid compound found in various fruits and vegetables. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Apigenin has potential anticancer effects, reduces anxiety, and promotes sleep.
The optimal dosage of apigenin has not been established. However, studies have used dosages ranging from 10 mg to 50 mg per day.
Huberman sometimes takes 900 mg of Inositol in addition to his other sleep supplements to enhance the quality of his sleep.
- Myo-Inositol is a carbohydrate compound that plays a role in serotonin and insulin signaling pathways, which are related to sleep regulation.
- It may potentially improve sleep quality and the ability to fall back asleep after waking up during the night.
“I’ve been taking 900 mg of myo-inositol every third night or so as a test of its ability to improve sleep, and I have to say, the depth and quality of sleep that I’ve been obtaining on myo-inositol is pretty remarkable.”
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Inositol is a naturally occurring compound that plays a role in various cellular processes. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement for mental health conditions.
Inositol has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve insulin sensitivity, and support liver health.
The recommended daily dosage of inositol varies depending on the condition being treated. For mental health conditions, dosages ranging from 12g to 18g per day have been used.
Huberman takes 100mg of GABA 3-4 nights per week, he recommends taking it 30-60 min before bed with Glycine.
“If you ever really need to sleep… 1 gram of GABA and 1 gram of glycine in combination, that’s more of a heavy hit over the head, but if you’re having a hard time getting to sleep, that can help. I don’t recommend people take those chronically.”
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GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It is known for its calming effects and is often used to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
GABA supplementation has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, improve sleep quality, and enhance mood.
The optimal dosage of GABA has not been established. However, studies have used dosages ranging from 250 mg to 3,000 mg per day.
Glycine is an amino acid that plays several important roles in the body. It functions as a neurotransmitter, is a component of collagen, and serves as a precursor to various biomolecules, such as creatine and heme.
Huberman takes 1g of Glycine 3–4 times per week with GABA.
“Every third or fourth night, I will take 2g of glycine and 100mg of GABA in addition to the standard sleep stack that I talked about before… which I find greatly enhances my ability to get into sleep.”
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Glycine is a nonessential amino acid that plays a role in various bodily functions. It is involved in protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and collagen synthesis.
Glycine supplementation has been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, and support brain health.
The recommended daily dosage of glycine varies depending on the condition being treated. For sleep improvement, dosages ranging from 3 g to 5 g per day have been used.
Brain Boosters: Supplements for Mental Focus and Sharpness
In the realm of cognitive performance, the significance of the brain cannot be overstated. Dr. Andrew Huberman's selection of supplements embodies the emphasis on cognitive attributes associated with the brain. Brain boosters, as part of Andrew Huberman's suite of supplements, plays a critical role in improving your ability to get into a focused state to do mental or physical work.
The brain's cognitive functionality is paramount to our daily routines. By honing in on cognitive performance, the brain boosters help optimize your efficiency. With a keen understanding of cognitive mechanisms, the brain is geared to function better, helping you meet your day's challenges effectively.
The supplements recommended by Dr. Huberman have shown notable efficacy in amplifying cognitive abilities. They extend their influence to various aspects of cognitive performance, laying the groundwork for a healthy and thriving brain.
Alpha-GPC is one of Huberman's preferred supplements for supporting cognitive function. He takes between 300 to 600 mg of Alpha-GPC 3-5 times per week.
- It is a source of choline that increases levels of acetylcholine, which is involved in learning, memory, and concentration.
- It enhance cognitive abilities in the elderly and boost strength output.
“On the pharmacologic side, I think Alpha GPC has real effects that are supported by quality peer-reviewed studies, including studies looking at offsetting age-related cognitive decline. Generally, it comes in capsule form, about 300 mg or so. I think, taken occasionally or more than occasionally provided it’s fairly early in the day, it does increase focus … I do think Alpha GPC is a useful supplement, and I use it from time to time. If I’ve slept well, I don’t take it. If I really want to push a workout hard, or a work session, a writing session, or data analysis session hard, I’ll take 300 mg of [Alpha GPC].”
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Alpha-GPC (alpha-glycerophosphocholine) is a cholinergic compound used for cognitive enhancement and increasing power output in athletes. It also supports cellular membranes and may help prevent cognitive decline.
Alpha-GPC has been shown to improve cognitive symptoms in older adults with mild to moderate dementia, enhance power output in athletes, and support cellular membranes.
The optimal dosage of Alpha-GPC varies depending on the desired effect. For cognitive enhancement, a dosage of 300-600 mg is commonly used.
Andrew Huberman occasionally incorporates L-Tyrosine into his supplement routine to enhance focus and attention. Huberman typically takes doses of L-Tyrosine between 500mg and 1,000mg, but this is limited to a maximum of once per week.
- L-Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with cognitive function.
- It has been shown to improve focus, attention, and mental performance under acute stress.
“Every once in a while, I will rely on 500 mg of L-tyrosine, which is the precursor to dopamine and noradrenaline.”
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L-Tyrosine is an amino acid used as a precursor for the synthesis of the catecholamines dopamine and norepinephrine. It is commonly taken as a supplement to increase catecholamine levels depleted during stressful or challenging conditions.
L-Tyrosine has been shown to prevent cognitive decline under stressful and cognitively demanding conditions, as well as alleviate reduced memory under acute stress conditions3.
L-Tyrosine has been shown to prevent cognitive decline under stressful and cognitively demanding conditions, as well as alleviate reduced memory under acute stress conditions.
Huberman occasionally takes 500 mg of PEA, about once a week or once every 2 weeks, as a supplement to increase dopamine and enhance focus.
“There is one compound… that increase dopamine, and that’s something called PEA [Phenylethylamine] … I personally take PEA from time to time as a focus and work aid in order to do intense bouts of work. Again, I don’t do that too often. That might be once a week or once every two weeks.”
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Phenylethylamine (PEA)
Phenylethylamine is a trace amine and influencer of many “happy hormones” such as dopamine and serotonin. It is an important molecule in the brain with limited supplemental usage due to being rapidly broken down into inactive components.
Phenylethylamine may influence dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, potentially improving mood.
The optimal dosage of Phenylethylamine has not been established. However, it is commonly taken in doses ranging from 500 mg to 2 g.
Dr. Huberman's Insights on using Supplements
Huberman emphasizes, that the right supplements do not just enhance overall health, but they can specifically boost testosterone levels, improve sleep quality and mental sharpness. With that said Dr. Huberman always recommends consulting with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen. Start incorporating supplements into your routine responsibly and gradually.
Supplements for Good Cognitive Function
Maintaining cognitive health is crucial, as it directly affects our ability to perceive, learn, make decisions, and interact meaningfully with the world around us. Our cognitive faculties form the basis for our daily experiences, shaping our reactions, guiding our emotions, and determining our overall quality of life. A decline in cognitive function can have a significant impact not only on our professional and personal pursuits but also on our relationships and self-perception. Dr. Huberman recognizes the profound influence of cognitive wellness on holistic well-being and often emphasizes the integration of lifestyle practices, mental exercises, and targeted nutritional support. According to Dr. Huberman, here is a list of supplements he recommends for cognitive health and well-being:
Huberman aims to consume 2-3 grams of EPA (a form of omega-3 fatty acid) daily. He takes it in the form of a fish oil supplement since he rarely eats fish.
- Fish oil provides essential fatty acids that are critical for cognitive health, mood regulation, and cardiovascular function.
- It also helps mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage.
“Ingesting sufficient levels of omega-3 fatty acids is going to support healthy mood and even can act as an antidepressant. More than a dozen studies have shown that ingesting at least 1,000 mg per day of the EPA form of essential fatty acid is as effective as prescription antidepressants in relieving depression.”
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that are essential for human health. They play a crucial role in brain function, growth, and development.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce triglyceride levels, improve symptoms of depression, and reduce inflammation.
The optimal dosage of Omega-3 fatty acids varies depending on the desired effect. For reducing triglyceride levels, a dosage of 2-4 grams per day is commonly used.
Creatine is one of the most well-researched and effective supplements. It is known for its ability to enhance exercise performance by rapidly producing energy during intense activity. Additionally, there is some evidence suggesting that creatine may also have cognitive benefits, although further research is needed in this area.
Huberman takes 5g daily.
“There are now several studies… pointing to the fact that creatine supplementation doesn’t just have these positive effects on physical performance but can also be used as a way to increase mood and to improve the symptoms of major depression.”
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Creatine is a molecule that is produced in the body from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. It is primarily synthesized in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the kidneys and pancreas. Creatine stores high-energy phosphate groups in the form of phosphocreatine. These phosphate groups are donated to ADP to regenerate it to ATP, which is the primary energy carrier in the body.
Creatine is one of the most well-researched and effective supplements. It can enhance exercise performance by rapidly producing energy during intense activity. Additionally, creatine may provide cognitive benefits, although more research is needed in this area.
The recommended dosage of creatine is 3-5 grams per day.
Glutamine is an amino acid that can be beneficial for the body during times of intense physical stress, such as after surgery, burns, or exposure to radiation.
“I’ve been glutamine as a supplement, gosh, since I was in college — mostly because I felt… that it protected me from various flus and colds because of the reported immune-enhancing effects … Glutamine also seems to have cognitive enhancing effects.”
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Glutamine is an amino acid that may benefit the body during periods of great physical stress, such as after surgery, burns, or radiation exposure.
Glutamine has been found to improve outcomes in trauma, burns, and injuries. It may also reduce gut permeability, inflammation, hospital stay length, and mortality.
The optimal dosage of Glutamine varies depending on the condition being treated. For trauma or burns, dosages ranging from 20g to 30g per day have been used.
Additional Supplements Taken by Huberman
Dr. Huberman incorporates additional supplements into his daily routine, mainly focusing on adaptogens that reduce fatigue and cortisol levels in the body. These adaptogens help combat stress and promote overall well-being. In addition to adaptogens, he also a broad spectrum multivitamin as well as NMN for improved energy and endurance. Below is a list of all supplements Andrew Huberman takes for his sleep stack. Huberman has also created a Complete Sleep Bundle with Momentous for easy of use.
Prior to workouts, Huberman takes Rhodiola Rosea, an 'adaptogen' that can reduce perceived fatigue. This allows him to push harder and longer during his workouts.
- Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that has been shown to reduce fatigue, increase endurance, and boost energy levels by optimizing cortisol levels.
- It may also enhance cognitive performance and improve learning ability.
“Rhodiola rosea is very interesting compound because it’s an adaptogen in that it greatly reduces perceived effort and allows for greater power output and endurance output.. but it does not do that by suppressing cortisol. So, 200mg of rhodiola rosea prior to, say, a resistance training workout… You will notice you have more vigor — you can just go longer, and you’re perceived effort is much lower … Rhodiola rosea is probably the best addition to my physical performance stack that I’ve added in a long time, and it’s really striking. I think so much so that people could try it, and it really does seem to work the first time and every time for me.”
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Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea is a flowering herb that grows in cold, high-altitude regions of Europe and Asia. It has been used in traditional medicine for many years, particularly in Russia, Scandinavia, and other cold, mountainous areas. Rhodiola rosea has anti-inflammatory properties and is best known for reducing stress and fatigue. It may also improve physical and mental performance, concentration, and reduce mental fatigue.
The main benefits of Rhodiola rosea are associated with its adaptogenic properties. It includes reducing stress and fatigue, as well as increasing mental performance, particularly under stressful conditions. It may also improve physical performance before exercise or reduce physical and mental fatigue.
The recommended dosage of Rhodiola rosea is 50 mg to 680 mg per day.
Huberman occasionally uses Ashwagandha during stressful periods to reduce cortisol levels.
- Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic adaptogenic herb known for its ability to lower cortisol and help manage stress and anxiety.
- It may also have benefits for fertility and exercise performance.
- Huberman cycles its use to prevent tolerance from developing.
“There are a number of studies now including several excellent ones in humans that report that taking two doses of 300 mg of ashwagandha per day can vary dramatically buffer cortisol … Taking 300 mg of ashwagandha twice a day led to enormous — I mean, just enormous — changes in serum cortisol … This was dramatic reductions in stress as perceived by people — so, subjective stress — and cortisol level.”
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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), also known as Indian ginseng, is an herb used in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India. Its root has a horsey smell and is said to confer the strength and virility of a horse. Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, meaning it is purported to enhance the body's resilience to stress. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is best known for reducing stress and anxiety. It may also modestly enhance various aspects of physical performance, increase testosterone levels, improve reproductive health, improve total sleep time and sleep quality in people with and without insomnia, improve immune health, women's health, men's health, and sexual health.
Ashwagandha's main benefits are associated with its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and stress-relieving effects. It also seems to reduce cortisol levels. In addition, it may improve physical performance before exercise or reduce physical and mental fatigue. Research on ashwagandha in cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal performance enhancements has shown promise for both athletes and non-athletes.
The recommended dosage of ashwagandha is 250 mg to 6000 mg per day.
Andrew Huberman's Favorite Gadgets & Health Trackers
In addition to Dr. Huberman's comprehensive supplement list, he also utilizes a range of health tracking devices and gadgets to measure and monitor his physiological responses and overall well-being.
When it comes to optimizing health, Dr. Huberman understands that relying solely on supplements is not enough to achieve peak performance. He recognizes the value of technology in providing real-time feedback on one's health. Some of the devices he uses include wearable fitness trackers that monitor heart rate variability, sleep patterns, and daily activity levels. These gadgets offer valuable insights into how his body responds to different stimuli, such as exercise and stress.

The Oura Ring Gen4 is a wellness wearable that doubles as a stylish piece of jewelry. It tracks various health metrics and weighs between 0.1 to 0.2 ounces (4 to 6 grams).
Here's an overview of the health metrics it measures and their benefits:
- Sleep: The Oura Ring Gen4 provides detailed insights into sleep patterns, including sleep stages, efficiency, and total sleep time. This information helps optimize sleep quality and overall well-being.
- Activity: It tracks daily activity levels, including steps taken, calories burned, and active time. Monitoring activity helps set goals, track progress, and maintain an active lifestyle.
- Recovery: The ring assesses the body's readiness for physical exertion by analyzing metrics like resting heart rate variability (HRV), body temperature, and respiratory rate. This information helps plan workouts effectively and avoid overtraining.
- Heart Rate: It continuously monitors heart rate throughout the day, providing data on resting heart rate, HRV, and heart rate trends. This helps understand cardiovascular health and stress levels.
- Temperature: The Oura Ring Gen4 measures body temperature during sleep, which can indicate overall health and potential illness.
- Menstrual Cycle: For individuals who menstruate, the ring tracks cycle patterns, including length and symptoms. This information helps understand hormonal fluctuations and plan accordingly.
Using the Oura Ring Gen4 offers benefits such as gaining insights into sleep quality, optimizing physical performance, managing stress levels, and making informed decisions about overall well-being. Its discreet design allows for all-day wear without drawing attention while still benefiting from advanced tracking capabilities.

The Whoop 4.0 is a personalized 24/7 digital fitness and health coach that offers a range of features to help you optimize your training, sleep routine, and overall lifestyle1. It is designed with an upgraded sensor configuration for accurate heart rate measurements and includes WHOOP Body featuring Any-Wear™ Technology, which allows you to wear it on multiple locations across the body1. Here's a brief overview of the measurements it provides and their benefits:
- Heart Rate: The Whoop 4.0 continuously monitors your heart rate, providing valuable data on your resting heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), and heart rate trends. This information helps you understand your cardiovascular health and stress levels.
- Sleep: It tracks your sleep patterns, including sleep stages, sleep efficiency, and total sleep time. By analyzing your sleep data, you can make adjustments to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being.
- Recovery: The Whoop 4.0 assesses your body's readiness for physical exertion by analyzing metrics such as resting heart rate variability (HRV), body temperature, and respiratory rate. This information helps you plan your workouts effectively and avoid overtraining.
- Activity: It tracks your daily activity levels, including steps taken, calories burned, and active time. By monitoring your activity, you can set goals, track progress, and maintain an active lifestyle.
- Pulse Oximeter: The upgraded hardware is equipped to calculate blood oxygen levels (SPO2), providing additional insights into your daily health.
- Skin Temperature Sensor: The Whoop 4.0 measures skin temperature, providing you with another layer of knowledge about your body.
According to TechRadar, the Whoop 4.0 is a hardcore fitness device that focuses on recovery and aims to ensure you feel well-rested for optimal performance during exercise. It takes various factors into account, such as menstrual cycle phase, sleep quality, heart-rate variability, temperature, and more. With its minimal design and data-packed app, the Whoop 4.0 is an excellent tool for serious fitness enthusiasts who want to perform at their best.