Dr. David Sinclair's Daily Routine: The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer and Healthier

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David Sinclair, a leading researcher in longevity and aging, has dedicated his career to understanding why we age and how to slow the process. His influential work at Harvard and innovative companies have uncovered insights into extending healthspans. Known for his youthful vitality at 53, Sinclair credits his daily habits for defying the aging process. Let's explore Sinclair's morning routine, diet, exercise, sleep, and more to see how his lifestyle choices may promote longevity.

David Sincliar's Morning Routine

6:00 - 7:00 AM Wake Up

Dr. Sinclair starts his day early by waking up around 6am. He spends the first hour in bed checking emails and getting a head start on work. This allows him to efficiently utilize the morning hours and not feel rushed.

6:30 - 7:00 AM Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is a top priority for Dr. Sinclair. He uses non-toxic, natural toothpaste without artificial ingredients. This is a gentler, safer approach compared to commercial toothpastes full of chemicals. He also does coconut oil pulling, swishing oil in the mouth to cleanse bacteria. Proper oral care like brushing and flossing can lower inflammatory markers.

7:00 - 8:00 AM Nutrient-Packed Yogurt Mix

Dr. Sinclair's yogurt contains his key anti-aging ingredients like resveratrol, olive oil, probiotics, and NMN. He carefully combines these supplements into a yogurt base for convenience and optimal absorption. The healthy fats from the olive oil help transport the supplements. The probiotics support gut health, linked to longevity.

Morning Supplements

Morning Hydration

Hydration is key after an overnight fast. Dr. Sinclair starts with hot lemon water, which boosts digestion. He follows with green tea for antioxidants and L-theanine. The small caffeine dose also helps wake up the mind and body.

Intermittent Fasting

Dr. Sinclair uses a 16:8 intermittent fasting protocol, fasting for 16 hours a day and restricting eating to an 8-hour window. Periods of fasting are believed to be beneficial for longevity. Fasting triggers autophagy, the cellular "cleanup" process.

“Three meals a day plus snacks is too much. It puts the body in a state of abundance, which turns off our longevity genes. So you want to have a period of fasting each day starting as early as your 20s... The one that I try to go for is 16 to 18 hours without eating a large meal.”

There are several fasting approaches:

  1. Extended Fasting - Fasting for multiple days can profoundly activate autophagy, especially after the 3 day mark. However, extended fasts require supervision and aren't always feasible.
  2. Time-Restricted Eating - A 16 hour fast is fairly simple to incorporate. Skip breakfast or have an early dinner.
  3. Fasting Mimicking Diet - Special low-calorie, high-fat fasting diet for 5 days a month. Shown to match benefits of a fast while still eating limited food. Lowering protein intake inhibits mTOR.

David Sincliar's Afternoon Routines

David Sinclair spends much of his afternoon working, often at a standing desk to reduce sitting time. He takes brief breaks for exercise like weight lifting and cardio. Movement is vital to avoid the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Stress Reduction

Despite his busy schedule, Dr. Sinclair makes time for meditation and nature walks. These activities provide mental relief and aid stress management. Long term stress can accelerate aging.

Snacks and Lunch

Sinclair has minimal snacks and usually skips lunch as part of his intermittent fasting protocol. This prolonged fast triggers beneficial processes in the body.

David Sincliar's Evening Routine

Cold Therapy (Post-Workout)

After exercise, Sinclair takes cold baths or showers to speed up muscle recovery. Cold thermogenesis is also thought to stimulate mitochondria and metabolism.

7:00 PM Dinner

Dinner marks the end of Sinclair's 16 hour fast. He eats a plant-based meal, occasionally pairing it with a glass of antioxidant-rich red wine. Plant foods and polyphenols support cellular health.

Evening Supplement

Before bed, Sinclair takes metformin, a diabetes drug now recognized for anti-aging effects like mTOR inhibition. The evening dose may improve metformin's bioavailability and mimics fasting.


Striving for at least 6 hours of restorative sleep is important. Sinclair uses temperature regulating bedding and tracks sleep with an Oura ring. Poor sleep detrimentally affects the gut microbiome and immune function.

Weekends and Traveling

On weekends, Sinclair enjoys outdoor activities and nature. When traveling, he brings key supplements to maintain his regimen. Lifestyle consistency, even during downtime, is key for longevity.

Dr. Sinclair's routine integrates science-backed longevity practices into daily life, from timed fasting to stress reduction to sleep optimization. His choices reflect a dedication to not just studying aging, but living the research through his own habits and health tracking. Explore our in-depth guide to David Sinclair's supplements for more on the compounds underlying his routine.

Key Takeaways: Slowing Aging through Daily Choices

Sinclair's routine provides an inspirational template for living better and potentially slowing aging. We can adopt elements like:

  • Nutrient-dense whole foods
  • Time-restricted eating
  • Regular exercise with strength training
  • Stress relief through nature, meditation
  • Supplements that extend cell vitality
  • Quality sleep for rejuvenation
  • Avoiding processed foods and excess sugars

The specifics should adapt to individual needs and abilities. However, we all can leverage daily choices to nourish our bodies, sharpen our minds, and foster longevity. Though aging is inevitable, Sinclair demonstrates that small steps create big improvements.

Oura Ring


What does Andrew Huberman's daily routine look like?

Huberman structures his days around optimizing energy, focus, health and sleep quality. Key elements include waking early, hydration, supplements, sunlight, cold exposure, strategic exercise, time-restricted eating, winding down, and consistent sleep.

Why does Huberman delay his caffeine intake in the mornings?

Huberman delays caffeine for 90-120 minutes after waking to allow adenosine levels to drop naturally. This prevents caffeine withdrawal and energy crashes later in the day.

When does Huberman stop consuming caffeine daily?

Huberman stops caffeine intake by 2pm daily. Consuming caffeine too late can impair sleep quality.

What's Huberman's approach to daily exercise?

Huberman does targeted fitness 6 days a week, focusing on different goals like endurance, HIIT, strength etc. He also uses pre-workout supplements.

What does Huberman's sleep routine involve?

Huberman optimizes sleep through evening wind-down routines, total darkness, and research-backed supplements like magnesium, glycine and apigenin.

Why does Huberman emphasize morning sun light exposure?

Early sunlight exposure helps regulate circadian rhythms and improves daytime alertness, focus, sleep quality and overall health.

How does Huberman use cold exposure?

Brief cold exposure like cold showers boosts alertness, mood, immunity, metabolic health, and resilience to stress.

What time does Huberman go to bed and wake up?

He's in bed by 10:30pm, waking naturally around 6am without an alarm. Huberman prioritizes 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.

Why are morning routines so important?

Morning rituals optimize energy, productivity and health all day. Huberman's includes lighting, supplements, movement, nature exposure.

How can I structure an evening routine for better sleep?

Huberman recommends evening wind-down routines: low lighting, avoiding digital screens, relaxing reading, meditation, sleep supplements.

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