Our Authors: Voices of Experience and Passion

Each of our authors brings a unique perspective, shaped by their personal journeys, professional experiences, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. From longevity enthusiasts and health experts to passionate storytellers, our team is united by a shared commitment: to bring you the best, research-backed insights on optimizing health, performance, and routines.

Dr. Joseph Van Hanovnikian is an internal medicine physician who takes a holistic, integrative approach to healthcare. After graduating with honors from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, he completed his residency at Los Angeles County Hospital.

Dr. Hanovnikian's practice integrates modern medicine with ancient healing modalities like Ayurveda and vitalism. He addresses the root causes of disease by considering the whole patient - mind, body and spirit. His clinical interests include gut health, autoimmune conditions, hormonal balance and the mind-body connection.

Bridging the gap between conventional and holistic medicine, Dr. Hanovnikian provides comprehensive, personalized care plans. He consults with patients worldwide via telehealth in addition to seeing patients in-person in Southern California. His goal is to develop integrative treatment plans using diet, lifestyle and non-pharmaceutical approaches.